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If you are a parent or child care professional, you are probably well aware of the dangers posed to little ones by unattended cooktops, fireplaces, or even a curling iron or hot coffee mug. Chances are that you’re not looking for one more thing to worry about, but in warmer weather burn injuries can occur from everyday situations which may not be on your radar. At Dr.STITCH, we are dedicated to educating and sharing information as part of our commitment to keeping kids safe. Our plastic surgeons and burn specialists share tips for preventing burns during warm weather.

Check Slides and Playground Equipment on Sunny Days

One of the perks of spring and summer is outdoor play time! Unfortunately, we have seen instances of children with 2nd degree burns from playground equipment such as slides that have been heated by the sun. Though most of the metal slides of yesteryear have been phased out, even plastic surfaces that have basked in the sun can become hot enough to cause burns. Toddlers are especially at risk of this type of thermal burn because they may not recognize the source of their pain and will stay on the slide or swing that is burning them. When temperatures are over 75 degrees, schedule playground time for early morning or later in the evening when equipment has cooled off. Test equipment temperature by holding your own skin on the surface, and remember that children’s skin is more delicate so if it feels hot to you then it is too hot for youngsters!

Safeguard Car Seats and Seatbelts When the Temperature Warms Up

When temperatures reach their peak in the summer, we are grateful for vehicle air conditioning! However, car seats and seat belts left in the sun can become hot enough to cause burns. One trick to avoid seatbelt burns is to tuck the metal ends into the seats or under the seat backs to prevent contact with direct sunlight. Car seats are one of the most important safety tools we have, but the vinyl seat and metal parts can become dangerously hot in the sun. If it is not possible to remove your car seat to stash inside, then make sure to cover it with a towel or blanket and check the temperature against your own skin before strapping in little ones.

Use Sun Protection Even During Quick Trips Outdoors

You would never take a trip to the beach without packing ample sunscreen, but what about a short walk to the store or a quick outdoor playdate on a cloudy day? Children’s delicate skin can burn in as little as 10 minutes, depending on exposure conditions. Keep in mind that 70% of the sun’s rays filter through an overcast sky. Little ones should always have a minimum of SPF 30 applied at least 30 minutes before going outside. Keep an extra supply of broad spectrum sunscreen that works for the whole family on hand, such as ProBLUE MD Pure Protection Sunscreen. Consider UPF clothing and hats for total protection, especially for active kids.

Contact Dr.STITCH for Treatment in Long Island and New York

Dr.STITCH is operated by the experienced plastic surgeons of Long Island Plastic Surgical Group to provide 24 hour immediate and urgent treatment of lacerations, burns, complex wounds, facial trauma, and hand injuries for children and adults. If accidents do happen, call Dr.STITCH – we hope you never need us, but we’re here if you do. Download our contact card to your phone and have safe fun in the sun!  

24 Hour Emergency Laceration Repair Stitches Long Island NY Dr Stitch