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National Facial Protection Month at Dr.STITCH

Any injury can be scary, but an injury to the face can be particularly traumatic. Facial skin is more delicate, plus facial injuries put the eyes, mouth, ears, and nose at risk. At Dr.STITCH, we have treated many facial injuries for children and adults, and a large percentage occur while playing sports. Luckily, many common sports injuries can be prevented with the proper facial protection. April is National Facial Protection Month and the experienced plastic surgeons at Dr.STITCH have tips on how to maximize safety for all the athletes in your life.

Protective Facial Gear For Sports

Talk to Your Child’s Coach About Protective Gear

Dr.STITCH is for the whole family, but children can be more injury prone because they are so active and their bodies are still developing. Keeping your little ones safe is a #1 priority for you, so make sure it is also a top priority for the person coaching their team. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that basketball, baseball, football, and soccer, which are all team sports, account for approximately 80 percent of all sports-related emergency room visits for children between the ages of 5 and 14. It will be easier to make sure your children wear face protection if their coach understands how critical it is and requires the entire team to wear appropriate gear.

What to Do In The Event of a Facial Injury

Facial injuries can vary greatly in type and severity. When in doubt, it is always a good idea to seek immediate medical attention. Cuts and lacerations happen commonly in sports accidents. Read our complete guide on lacerations to learn how to care for a cut and determine when stitches may be needed. If you or your child suffer from an eye injury or dental accident you may need a specialist, but the emergency room should usually be the first stop. For general facial trauma, including broken noses and lacerations, an experienced plastic surgeon can provide expert treatment while minimizing scarring.

Call Dr.STITCH for Facial Injuries on Long Island

We hope you never need us, but we’re here if you do! Dr.STITCH is a service of The Long Island Plastic Surgical Group. Our doctors are highly experienced and specially trained in advanced techniques to treat delicate facial areas that need special care in order to retain form and function. Download our contact card or call 1-877-DR-STITCH (1-877-377-8482) for 24/7/365 immediate on-call treatment of facial trauma, hand injuries, burns, complex wounds and lacerations.

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